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One dog can make
all the difference
One dog can make
all the difference
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A furry friend with
your health at heart
One dog can make
all the difference
Dogs in Service
Dogs In Training
Lives Changed

What is a service dog?

“Service dogs are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.” – American Disability Act, 2011

Service dogs provide help increase the level of independence of a person with disability by helping them carry out daily living activities. They also provide therapy, companionship and a way to socially interact with others.


Matching and Placing

Service dogs are dogs that have been trained to carry out tasks for persons with a disability to make their daily lives easier. Service dogs can be trained to do a variety of tasks, from opening doors for persons in a wheelchair to alerting a hearing impaired person that someone is at the door.


Dog-Assisted Therapy

The therapeutic power of dogs has long been recognised. It’s been documented in many therapeutic settings that when a dog is present in therapy, people tend to forget about the other humans and their inhibitions disappear. 

We could not do what we do without the support of these wonderful sponsors

Make a difference in someone's life

Your donation supports our service dogs through two years of intensive training before they can be placed at NO COST with the families who need them.
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